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Bible Verses Puzzle 1.1.0
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Do you want to get close to God in the daily entertainment wordsearch game? Bible Verses Puzzle provides a great opportunity toreview the Bible with friends, totally for free! Bible VersesPuzzle is a free Bible verse collection puzzle game that unlocksBible verses by finding relevant words in the level. There arethousands of Bible Verses waiting for you to collect. FEATURE: -Bible verses Free collect! -Play word games for free over 5000levels! -Easy to play and hard to beat -Difficulty increases withyour game! -Play offline anytime, anywhere. Play The MOST addictiveBible word game! DOWNLOAD the BEST Bible Verses Puzzle Game NOW forFREE!
Word Blocks Pic 1.0.9
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If you're looking for the most interesting word game, If you areabig fan for word games, Word Blocks Pic is the game foryou! Word Blocks Pic is a new creative word search game foryou tosearch words with hidden clues in pictures. It provides youwith aneasy and simple way to exercise your brain by tapping andswipingon your mobiles' screens. When you are playing a game, allyou haveto do is find words based on the items in the picture. Theanswerto each puzzle may be an item in the picture or any conceptoremotion associated with the picture. FEATURES: -EACH PUZZLE HASACLUE Use it to find the related words in each puzzle!-Beautifulpictures of each puzzle  There will be an awesomepicture as aclue for each puzzle Every puzzle will have a greatpicture as aclue -  LOTS OF LEVELS Play over 2000 levels withmore comingsoon! —COLLECT BONUS WORDS Earn rewards for findingextra words! -MORE! How to play? - Find words based on the clues ina picture. -Correct swipe the letters to build a correct word. -Tap the"Search", "Hint" or "Shuffle" buttons when you get stuck -Guess asmany correct words as possible
Classic Solitaire 1.2.2
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Classic Solitaire is an interesting card game . It is designedbased on the classic solitaire gameplay. And you will enjoy theexciting solitaire moments. FEATURES: • Auto-collect cards oncompletion • Single tap or drag&drop to move cards • Draw 1 or3 cards • Play it right or left-handed • Use Shuffle when you arestuck • Use Hint to find out the next move • Auto-save yourprogress • Check your statistics • Play offline at any time •Multiple languages supported • Landscape/Portrait mode
Bible Word Stacks 1.0.5
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Bible Word Stacks is a free and fun Bible verse collectiongame!Collect the Verse by finding the words in the game. Do youwant toapproach God in the daily entertainment word Versescollectiongame? Bible Verses search provides a great opportunity toreviewthe Bible with friends, completely FREE! Bible Word Stacks isabiblical verses collection game, 66 biblical themes, morethan6400+ bible verses waiting for you to collect, you can viewtheBible in daily entertainment. Are you ready for the challengetotrain your brain? Come and enjoy free and fun Bible wordsearchgames!
単語ブロック 1.1.7
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化ブロックはジグソースタイルの単語検索ゲームをもたらします。魅惑的な風景や単語レーンで語彙の旅を始めましょう。------単語ブロックの特徴------ ▲ロックを解除するための何千もの単語トピック。▲単語はさまざまな方法で形成できます。逆または湾曲;▲さまざまな素晴らしい風景と風光明媚な驚異:この素晴らしいゲームプレイには一杯のコーヒーが最適です。▲リラックスできるサウンドトラックはあなたの脳を休ませます。 ▲簡単に始められますが、非常に速く挑戦します。▲思考を止められない脳を刺激するワードゲーム。▲さまざまな単語の形のカラフルな単語レーンは、快適なUIインターフェイスを作成しました。 ------ダウンロードの遊び方------▲単語ブロックをスワイプして、手がかりに関連する単語を形成します。 ▲MAGIC STARを使用して、答えの単語文字を明らかにします。▲BRUSHを使用して、単語についての手がかりを取得します。 ▲ハリケーンを使用して、パズルという単語を並べ替えます。▲ゲームは時々トリッキーになることがあります。隠された言葉をすべて見つけるために挑戦してください!------私たちはあなたのフィードバックと提案を大切にします------gmsspprt@gmail.comまでメールでお問い合わせください。このゲームは超中毒です。今日無料でダウンロードして、あなたの脳にトレーニングを与えましょう!泳ブロックのなだめるような景色を歩き回り、単語検索をお楽しみください。
Kelime Şekilleri 1.1.6
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Kelime Şekilleri yapboz tarzı bir kelime arama oyunu getiriyor.Büyüleyici manzaralar ve kelime şeritlerinde kelime dağarcığıyolculuğuna Kelime Şekilleri ile başlayın. ------ KelimeŞekilleri'nin Özellikleri ------ ▲ Kilidini açman için binlercekelime konusu; ▲ Kelimeler farklı şekillerde oluşturulabilir: düzbir çizgide; ters veya eğimli; ▲ Çeşitli muhteşem manzaralar vedoğa harikaları: bir fincan kahve bu harika oyun için en iyisiolacaktır; ▲ Rahatlatıcı film müziği beyninizi dinlendirir; ▲ Kolaybaşlar ama çok hızlı zorlaşır; ▲ Düşünmeyi bırakamamanızı sağlayanbeyin uyarıcı kelime oyunu; ▲ Farklı kelime şekillerinin renklikelime şeritleri, hoş kullanıcı arayüzünü yaptı; ▲ Her yaş için eniyisi: aile ve arkadaşlarla meydan okuyun. ------ Kelime ŞekilleriNasıl Oynanır ------ ▲ İpuçları ile ilgili kelimeleri oluşturmakiçin kelime bloklarını kaydırın; ▲ Cevabın harf kelimelerini ortayaçıkarmak için MAGIC STAR'ı kullanın; ▲ Kelime hakkında ipucu almakiçin FIRÇA'yı kullanın; ▲ Kelime bulmacasını yeniden düzenlemekiçin HURRICANE'ı kullanın; ▲ Oyun bazen yanıltıcı olabilir; tümgizli kelimeleri bulmak için meydan okuyun! ------ Görüş veönerilerinize değer veriyoruz ------ bize gmsspprt@gmail.comadresinden e-posta gönderin. Bu oyun SÜPER bağımlılık yapıyor.Bugün ÜCRETSİZ İNDİRİN ve beyninize bir egzersiz yapın! KelimeŞekilleri'nde yatıştırıcı sahneleri dolaşın ve kelime aramanıntadını çıkarın.
Word Blocks Pic 1.0.3
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If you're looking for the most interesting word game, If you areabig fan for word games, Word Blocks Pic is the game foryou! Word Blocks Pic is a new creative word search game foryou tosearch words with hidden clues in pictures. It provides youwith aneasy and simple way to exercise your brain by tapping andswipingon your mobiles' screens. When you are playing a game, allyou haveto do is find words based on the items in the picture. Theanswerto each puzzle may be an item in the picture or any conceptoremotion associated with the picture. FEATURES: -EACH PUZZLE HASACLUE Use it to find the related words in each puzzle!-Beautifulpictures of each puzzle  There will be an awesomepicture as aclue for each puzzle Every puzzle will have a greatpicture as aclue -  LOTS OF LEVELS Play over 2000 levels withmore comingsoon! —COLLECT BONUS WORDS Earn rewards for findingextra words! -MORE! How to play? - Find words based on the clues ina picture. -Correct swipe the letters to build a correct word. -Tap the"Search", "Hint" or "Shuffle" buttons when you get stuck -Guess asmany correct words as possible
Word Jigsaw Puzzle 1.2.8
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Word Jigsaw Puzzle brings a jigsaw style word search game. Startthevocabulary journey in the mesmerizing landscapes and word laneswithWord Jigsaw Puzzle. ------Features of Word Jigsaw Puzzle------▲Thousands of word topics for you to unlock; ▲ Words can be formedindifferent ways: in a straight line; reversed or curved; ▲Various ofterrific landscapes and scenic wonders: a cup of coffeewould be thebest for this wonderful gameplay; ▲ The relaxingsoundtrack restsyour brain; ▲ It starts easy but gets challengingvery fast; ▲Brain-stimulating word game that makes you cannot stopthinking; ▲Colorful word lanes of the different word shapes madethe pleasantUI interface; ------How to Play Word JigsawPuzzle------ ▲ Swipe theword blocks to form words related to theclues; ▲ Use the MAGIC STARto reveal the word letters of theanswer; ▲ Use the BRUSH to get aclue about the word; ▲ Use theHURRICANE to rearrange the wordpuzzle; ▲ The game can be trickysometimes; challenge to find all ofthe hidden words out! ------Wevalue your feedback andsuggestions------ email us This game is SUPERaddicting. FREE DOWNLOADtoday and give your brain a workout! Roamaround the soothingsceneries in Word Jigsaw Puzzle and enjoy wordsearch.
Palabra Formas 1.2.8
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Palabra Formas trae un juego de búsqueda de palabrasestilorompecabezas. Empiece el viaje de vocabulario en losfascinantespaisajes y las líneas de palabras con Palabra Formas.------Características de Palabra Formas ------ ▲ Miles de temasdepalabras para desbloquear; ▲ Las palabras se pueden formardediferentes formas: en línea recta; invertida o curvada; ▲Variospaisajes fabulosos y maravillas escénicas: una taza de caféseríalo mejor para este maravilloso juego; ▲ La relajante bandasonoradescansa tu cerebro; ▲ Comienza fácil pero se vuelvedesafiante muyrápido; ▲ Juego de palabras estimulante para elcerebro que haceque no puedas dejar de pensar; ▲ Los coloridoscarriles de palabrasde las diferentes formas de palabras hicieronque la interfaz deusuario fuera agradable; ------ Cómo jugarPalabra Formas ------ ▲Deslice los bloques de palabras para formarpalabras relacionadascon las pistas; ▲ Use la ESTRELLA MÁGICA pararevelar las letras dela palabra de la respuesta; ▲ Utilice elPINCEL para obtener unapista sobre la palabra; ▲ Utilice el HURACANpara reorganizar elrompecabezas de palabras; ▲ El juego puede sercomplicado a veces;¡Desafía a encontrar todas las palabras ocultas!------ Valoramossus comentarios y sugerencias ------ envíenos uncorreo electrónicoa Este juego es SUPERadictivo. ¡DESCARGAGRATIS hoy y ejercita tu cerebro! Pasee por lospaisajes relajantesen Palabra Formas y disfrute de la búsqueda depalabras.
Mots Formes 1.2.8
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Mots Formes propose un jeu de recherche de mots de stylepuzzle.Commencez le voyage du vocabulaire dans les paysagesfascinants etles couloirs de mots avec Mots Formes. ------Caractéristiques deMots Formes ------ ▲ Des milliers de sujets demots à débloquer; ▲Les mots peuvent être formés de différentesmanières: en lignedroite; inversé ou courbé; ▲ Divers paysagesfantastiques etmerveilles scéniques: une tasse de café serait lemeilleur pour cejeu merveilleux; ▲ La bande-son relaxante reposevotre cerveau; ▲Cela commence facilement mais devient difficiletrès vite; ▲ Jeu demots stimulant pour le cerveau qui vous empêchede penser; ▲ Lesvoies de mots colorées des différentes formes demots ont rendul'interface utilisateur agréable; ------ Commentjouer à MotsFormes ------ ▲ Faites glisser les blocs de mots pourformer desmots liés aux indices; ▲ Utilisez la MAGIC STAR pourrévéler leslettres des mots de la réponse; ▲ Utilisez la BROSSEpour obtenirun indice sur le mot; ▲ Utilisez l'OURAGAN pourréorganiser le motpuzzle; ▲ Le jeu peut parfois être délicat; défide trouver tousles mots cachés! ------ Nous apprécions voscommentaires etsuggestions ------ écrivez-nous à
Woord Vormen 1.1.7
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Woord Vormen brengt een woordzoekspel in puzzelstijl. Begindewoordenschatreis in de betoverende landschappen en woordstrokenmetWord Jigsaw Puzzle. ------ Kenmerken van Woord Vormen ------▲Duizenden woordonderwerpen die u kunt ontgrendelen; ▲Woordenkunnen op verschillende manieren worden gevormd: in eenrechtelijn; omgekeerd of gebogen; ▲ Diverse fantastischelandschappen enlandschappelijke wonderen: een kopje koffie zou hetbeste zijn voordeze geweldige gameplay; ▲ De ontspannendesoundtrack geeft jehersenen rust; ▲ Het begint gemakkelijk, maarwordt heel snel eenuitdaging; ▲ Breinstimulerend woordspel waardoorje niet kuntstoppen met denken; ▲ Kleurrijke woordstroken van deverschillendewoordvormen maakten de prettige UI-interface; ------Hoe speel jeWoord Vormen ------ ▲ Veeg over de woordblokken omwoorden tevormen die verband houden met de aanwijzingen; ▲ Gebruikde MAGICSTAR om de woordletters van het antwoord te onthullen; ▲Gebruik deBORSTEL om een ​idee te krijgen over het woord; ▲ GebruikdeHURRICANE om de woordpuzzel te herschikken; ▲ Het spel kansomslastig zijn; uitdaging om alle verborgen woorden te vinden!------We stellen uw feedback en suggesties op prijs ------ e-mailons Deze game is SUPER verslavend. GRATISDOWNLOADvandaag en geef je hersenen een training! Dwaal door derustgevendelandschappen in Woord Vormen en geniet van woordzoeken.
Wrestling Trivia 1.0.2
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Wrestling originated in the 19th century. It grew into a hugedisplay of strength, athletic performance, and collision, toshowcase the techniques of the form. Do not think ever you knoweverything about wrestling because I bet this WWE quiz game willmake you sweat though, in the end, it is rewarding if you crown oneby one all the championships. Ever wondered how much you know aboutWrestling or the World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.? Did you knowthat the original company was founded back in 1952, and has beenthrough several corporate transformations? We have compiled lots ofinformation about 'Wrestling' wrestlers through this amazing prowrestling trivia. This 'Wrestling' history quiz will also delveinto other fields, including football, movies, and many otherbusiness ventures. If you are a 'Wrestling' fan, you certainlyfollow some famous superstar wrestlers like Brock Lesnar and RandyOrton. This hard wrestling trivia is packed with wrestling triviafacts through questions about wrestling. Encouraged by the successof NFL trivia and NBA trivia in the past, we decided to come upwith this set of difficult 'Wrestling' trivia questions and'Wrestling' trivia answers to test the memory of the fans acrossthe globe. Read on to take up the ultimate 'Wrestling' Quiz andanswer these wrestling questions!
Quiz Master 1.0.5
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Welcome to the world of Quiz Master, where experience all thetrivia fun from different topics, come and check out theinteresting things on this journey! ==Quiz Master FREE PLAYFEATURES== A Huge Collection of Fun Quizzes Including Tens ofCategories! - Guess on thousands of brand-new quizzes about movies,food, actors, music, and many more topics; - New games are addedall the time. There are always new game puzzles to solve! - Fans oftrivia games will have a blast solving each puzzle with theirfriends! Roll & Win! - Roll the wheel and choose a category towin big. A Newly Designed Trivia Puzzle Game -An easy to getstarted fun trivia game -Exercise your brain and relax your mind-Non-stop challenges for you to relax and learn from Music &User-friendly -Classic gameplay for a fantastic gaming experience-Refreshing music, providing an immersive gaming environment-Everything is to help you relieve some stress This game isfree-to-play, but we offer in-app purchases for a richer gamingexperience. The items you purchase will assist you in the mostcrucial moments during battle. To wrap up, if you enjoy passingyour time with trivia challenges about music, movies, actors,sports, animals, and food, you’ll definitely fall for Quiz Matertoo! Questions? Comments? Chat with our support team atfingerdancesprt@gmail!
Bible Match 1.0.3
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Bible Match is to the next level! It demonstrates a completely newway to review the classic stories and biblical characters from theHoly Bible. In this game, you will be inspired by holy stories andget closer to your Lord! ✝✝✝HOW TO PLAY - Link the related biblicalimages. It might be a bible story or character relationship; - Tapthe “Bulb” button to get a hint; - References will be revealed sothat you can be clear about the reason why. ✝✝✝FEATURES - More ThanOne Bible Gameplays for You Matching the biblical elements is notthe only fun, you will randomly unlock special gameplays after eachchallenge. Download and find it out~ - 100% Addictive Bible StoryGame You’ll never experience a dull moment to collect Biblestories! Try this Bible stories matching game once and you won’t beable to put it down! - Beat More Bible Levels As You Can Afterpassing basic levels to match bible elements, you can unlock a fullsentence containing the references from the Bible. Try to find allthe Bible sentences! - Over Thousands of Exciting Levels It startseasy and becomes challenging fast. And you can test the limits ofthe words you know. More challenging levels are on the go.✝✝✝CONTACT Bible Match is fairly new, your ideas and feedback wouldbe a huge support for us to make a better game, feel free to emailus at FREE DOWNLOAD today and refreshyour mind with God's stories!